Friday, September 28, 2012

Madea's House

My family & I are huge fans of Tyler Perry and his Madea movies.  Tyler Perry has to be one of the most talented actors in the business.  His movies, now matter how many times you've watched them, are guaranteed to make you laugh.

 I've always wanted to go see Madea's house, and we had to go to Atlanta anyway, why not stop by? 

Bus Stop scene from Madea's Family Reunion

The front of Madea's house on Avon Ave SW in Atlanta.

My Mom & I~the lady taking our picture was from Rhode Island.


Calendar Pics of Joshua

Josh & I have been working on calendars for Christmas gifts.  These are a few pics that I took several weeks ago.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Puppy Love

How could anyone live a happy life without a pet? 
The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude. ~Robert Brault,

Ever consider what pets must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth! ~Anne Tyler, The Accidental Tourist

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no
questions, they pass no criticisms. ~George Eliot

We rescued Sadie (a/k/a Little Missy) last January. 
 She is absolutely precious & she loves her daddy!
Oreo a/k/a Chico, is Josh's baby.  He LOVES to look for birds in the backyard. 

Tasha, affectionately nicknamed "Granny Grunt" rules the house!


  I know he must get so aggravated with me, but I love to take pictures.  Josh & I enjoy making calendars for Christmas gifts and I've learned the more pictures you have to choose from, the better your calendar will look.  The picture below was taken at our local railroad shop. 
 I took about 50 shots, and only 4 turned out good.

Joshua-playing with his ipod touch next to the Grant Theatre. Most of all the pics I took that day turned out fantastic.
 Sometimes you have to let him make "funny faces" 

Downtown Fitzgerald

 Chickens roam our downtown Fitzgerald and have been here since the 1960's. According to the website: "The Georgia Department of Natural Resources stocked Burmese chickens as an additional game bird to be hunted like pheasant or quail.  Flocks of these chicks were released several miles from the Ocmulgee River and for unknown reasons, the chickens
left the river site and made their way to downtown Fitzgerald."

Whether loved or hated, Burmese chickens are a familiar part of the Fitzgerald scene. They wake you up in the morning, create minor traffic problems, and, some claim, even keep the bugs away.
However, if you see a hen & her baby chicks crossing the road, you stop your car until they pass!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

First day of 7th grade!  He was so excited to get to school- and he is loving it!

Boys will be boys!

Josh & I love to play around with the camera!  And, as you can tell, he is quite photogenic!